2. If you can't actually disconnect from the office fully, the tension never really leaves your back.
3. I am way too attached to my iPhone for far too many tasks, tidbits and mindless moments.
4. Devouring books, printed on actual paper, is still one of my absolute favorite things to do. The Lemon Tree and Japanland, both excellent reads.
5. No matter how long you stare at the ocean it won't give you the answer to the questions you're asking, unless you're really ready for the answers.*
6. Being an outsider to the tribe known as mothers becomes a very different experience every year further you go in life.
7. Lifeguards don't really guard beach goers, but they do handle beach rentals, check their phones/laptops and work on their tans, a lot.
8. Cheap airline flights are not always worth the cost savings.
*It does however prepare you to hear exactly what you were looking for while sitting in a pew on Sunday morning after you return.