Sunday, May 9, 2010

Writing to Make it Count

Perhaps it is the idea of accountability to and dialogue with the masses that makes blogging so appealing. Even if the masses are only in your head. For years I have propagated the importance of online dialogue as a means of engagement through my daily work. In turn, I have also enjoyed keeping up with friends and their lives through their own blogs and in recent years unearthed a plethora of food blogs that keep me inspired and well fed.

However, I have never crossed the threshold of creating my own blog for reasons both obvious and benign. Over the past few weeks, I have sat listening to Charlie Parker talk about the intersection of environmentalism and Christianity. Not a connection I readily make or regularly consider, but intellectually intriguing nonetheless.

The facts and figures we have all seen and heard in various contexts over the years were reframed for me sitting in a pew. How much does each act matter? How much impact can one person/one household really have? How inconvenienced are we willing to be by a choice?

So this blog is my effort to try and keep myself more open and accountable as I attempt to make my own life more environmentally sustainable, more balanced. I am confident there are thousands of individual choices that we can make as consumers that will influence the products and services available to us. The supply chain won't change until the consumer demands it.

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