Friday, July 9, 2010

Cold Flossing

It took decades for my dentists' advice to finally take, but I've started flossing. Daily. Over the last six months I've tried diligently to floss at least once a day, but not freak out if I miss. As a result at my last check up the dentist proclaimed that my teeth and gums were in far better shape, but that my lower flossing technique was lacking (well done on the uppers she said). So of course, my poor lower teeth have been getting a daily flossing detail like they were some high end luxury car. I'm just hoping this 30-something intervention will help me keep my pearly white shark teeth later in life and I won't been applying denture cream to my tortured gums in my 70s.

However, my dental hygiene superiority is a bit tempered as a I stand in my very comfortable 70-72 degree apartment. I like cold people. I hate being hot. Except at yoga and right after the gym, but then I rush to take a cold shower so it's really a fleeting fancy. I am completely incapable of turning up the thermostat. Despite the record breaking heat we're having out here and the calls for conserving energy, I just keep on keeping on in my little igloo.

The power company rep is calling for people to set their thermostats at 78. *@$#% 78! I can't possible be cool with our window units chugging away at 78 degrees. I relish the feeling of my skin being cold and sleeping under a light sheet or blanket. 78 would mean pretending I'm back in Sienna only to look out my window and see a parking lot instead. Not happening people. I am totally failing mother nature on this one. Energy conservation fail for sure.


  1. you're making me feel like one tough cookie - i thought i got hot easily, but 78 is as low as we take our thermostat during the summer.

  2. thinking of you (this is amusing):

  3. We've creeped our thermostat up to 76, even 78 at night. I haven't melted yet, but my toes have definitely thawed...
