Thursday, March 3, 2011

Well Appointed

There's a quiet beauty in a well composed still life.Through 3191 Miles Apart, I peer each week into a seemingly effortless moment of two talented, creative individuals. For a moment I escape and think about a serene well-paced morning. The kind where the crisp air inspires warm, soft pajamas to be worn a little longer. Coffee scented steam seeps from the kitchen and fluffy pancakes beg to be made. Sweet syrup swirling with melted butter creating breakfast perfection on a plate. The sky is wide and bright, the view expansive and whole.

So I'm seeking to capture more of those moments. On film and in life. Well edited groupings of personal belongings does not need to be an endeavor left to professionals. Items with stories, tables carefully laid, cheerful yellow shoes. These are all edited pieces of expression. I haven't decided if or how to catalog the images I snap, but I am starting with a fresh look at my walls. Specifically what's hanging on them.

I love a good Target  wall piece as much as the next person. But, I'm starting to edit commercial art out of my life.  It's not a finite, never ever will I own something that's mass produced. Rather, I want to try to know the artists that created the pieces on my walls or even better create some of it myself. Purchased and hung because it was the right piece for the space and because I like the color, the image.

Local art. Student art. Etsy. All great places to find artists just waiting to share their talent. My one exception? Is do still love The Mysteries of Harris Burdick.

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