Friday, July 15, 2011

Morning Stretch

30 minutes before my alarm went off this morning I was awake. The dog licking my face may have helped that step. 30 minutes later I walked into my gym and set up my mat for a morning hatha yoga class that I've been saying I was going to go to for the past three years. It's included in the cost of my monthly membership. Yeah, that's right practically "free" yoga is offered four days a week, but I have managed to go a total of one time in three years at the gym and never in the morning. I have of course driven 15-30 minutes and paid $18 for a class, but the free one next door... well I guess it was just too convenient.

Well, I liked it and just might drag myself back onto my mat for Monday morning's class. Because wow, I am so not bendy. And any flexibility I had previously developed has evaporated.

I think I need a little lion's breath to get me through the rest of today. But let's be clear I am not yet prepared to make friends with morning.

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