Monday, July 18, 2011

Cherry Delicious

Walking through the farmer's market last weekend signs called out "last sour cherries of the season." We've been enjoying sweet cherries from the market for weeks and I've watched other folks carry flats of sour cherries and wondered what the fuss was all about. But for some reason those "last chance" signs and the handy handwritten sign that said "about a quart and half needed for one pie" I walked home with just enough sour cherries in my bag to make my first sour cherry pie.

Research led to some very strong opinions and my go to source Cook's Illustrated strongly recommended using tapioca as a thickener. A quick survey of the pantry and a stronger desire to not run out to the store and I settled on this recipe from Bon Appetit on epicurious that used the old corn starch standard.

As an extra cheat, I also grabbed some Wegmans pie crust out of my freezer and went to town. Behold, my first cherry pie and lattice crust.

This came out way better than expected and I was also not that tortured by pitting all those cherries, thanks to this handy tip. So, my interest in pie making has been piqued. What should I make next?


  1. Looks fabulous!! How'd it taste?? Wonderful I bet!! You go, girl!!

  2. It was so tasty. Much more full cherries and less goo than you get from can cherry filling. Also, the sour cherries end up being a perfect sweet taste when cooked, not puckering the way I thought they would be. Would maybe add an extra cup of cherries to what the recipe calls for.
